Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) 12 virus definition download and installation script

23 Sep 2015

A quick and dirty script to download and install the latest SEP12 virus definitions from Symantec’s FTP site. We use this script to force the latest updates when we update our Citrix PVS vDisk.

This script output looks like so:

This script also requires the FTP for powershell module. Download the entire script and dependency here.

#  Created by Trentent Tye
#             IBM Intel Server Team
#             September 22, 2015
# Description: This script will download the latest Symantec antivirus files from Symantec's FTP site
# and execute the install to update them.  This script borrows elements from Zebbelin's Symantec script
# for the GUI, etc.
# Virus definitions URL is located here: 
# FTP site with the definitions are located here:
# Only tested on 64bit 2008R2 as of Sept 22 2015 but I tried to write it for 32bit arch as well
# Requires PowerShell FTP module:
$scriptDirectory = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
cd $scriptDirectory
Import-Module ".\PSFTP.psm1"
#If 2003 or 2008 set path Symantec path accordingly:
$OSVersion = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).Version
if ($OSVersion -eq "5.2.3790") {
    $rootPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data"
if ($OSVersion -eq "6.1.7601") {
    $rootPath = "C:\ProgramData"
# create anonymous credentials
$cred = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential('anonymous','','')
# Set-FTPConnection returns a credential error...  ignore it.  It actually works.
write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
write-host ": Connecting to Symantec FTP site"
Set-FTPConnection -Server -Credentials $cred -Session VirusDefDownload -UsePassive -ErrorAction silentlycontinue | out-null
write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
write-host ": Getting list of items on the FTP site"
$Session = Get-FTPConnection -Session VirusDefDownload 
$listOfFTPItems = Get-FTPChildItem -Session $Session
# Symantec Endpoint Protection Client Installations on Windows Platforms (64-bit)
# Use the v5i64 executable file for 64-bit client installations and v5i32 for 32-bit installations.
  $listOfFTPItems = $listOfFTPItems | Where-Object {$ -like "*-v5i64*"}
} else {
  $listOfFTPItems = $listOfFTPItems | Where-Object {$ -like "*-v5i32*"}
#we are relying on Symantec keeping the name arranged by properdate on the file.  If they change their name scheme
# YYYYMMDD-### then this sort method may not work.
$virusDefs = $listOfFTPItems | sort-object Name | select -Last 1
#compare current virusDefs to the definitions actually installed.  Take the FTP name format, remove -v5i##.exe, swap
#hypens "-" for "." then do a compare against the virusDefs in this folder:
#C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\CurrentVersion\Data\Definitions\VirusDefs
  $virusDefsFTPName = $virusDefs.Name.Replace('-v5i64.exe','')
} else {
  $virusDefsFTPName = $virusDefs.Name.Replace('-v5i32.exe','')
$virusDefsFTPName = $virusDefsFTPName.Replace('-','.')
write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
write-host ": FTP Virus Definition Name:" $virusDefs.FullName
#remove old virus definitions
Function RemoveOldDefs {
    $allDefs = (dir $rootPath"\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\CurrentVersion\Data\Definitions\VirusDefs" | where-object {$ -like "*20*"}).Name
    #if there is only one set of virus definitions folder we are done (you can't remove it) -- measure.count enables count on 2003 with PowerShell 2
    if (($allDefs | measure).Count -eq 1) { 
    } else {
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ArrayList = $allDefs
        write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
        write-host ": Removing old definitions:"
        write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
        write-host ": $ArrayList"
        foreach ($def in $ArrayList) {
          rmdir $rootPath"\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\CurrentVersion\Data\Definitions\VirusDefs\$def" -Recurse
#compare folder name with virusDefs on FTP site.  If true this will exit the script.
If (test-path $rootPath"\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\CurrentVersion\Data\Definitions\VirusDefs\$virusDefsFTPName") {
    write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
    write-host ": Local Virus definitions match latest FTP definitions"
    write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
    write-host ": $virusDefsFTPName vs "(dir $rootPath"\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\CurrentVersion\Data\Definitions\VirusDefs" | where-object {$ -like "*20*"}).Name
#Remove any previous download if one exists
if (test-path ($env:TEMP + "\" + $virusDefs.Name)) {
    remove-item ($env:TEMP + "\" + $virusDefs.Name) -Force
write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
write-host ": Virus definitions do not match"
write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
write-host ": $virusDefsFTPName vs "(dir $rootPath"\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\CurrentVersion\Data\Definitions\VirusDefs" | where-object {$ -like "*20*"}).Name
write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
write-host ": Downloading and installing newest definitions:" $virusDefs.Name 
write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
write-host ": Starting Download"
#Environment for File Download
$object = New-Object Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Network
$Script:DownloadURL  =  $virusDefs.FullName
$SCRIPT:DownloadPATH = $env:TEMP + "\" + $virusDefs.Name
$SCRIPT:object.DownloadFile($DownloadURL, $DownloadPATH, "", "", $true, 10000, $true, "DoNothing")
write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
write-host ": Finished Download"
write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
write-host ": Starting Installation"
#install Defs
$downloadedDefs = $env:TEMP + "\" + $virusDefs.Name
Start-Process $downloadedDefs -ArgumentList /q -Wait
write-host -NoNewLine (get-date -Format HH:mm:ss) -ForegroundColor "Green"
write-host ": Installation Completed"
sleep 2
#remove old definitions
#Remove download if one exists
if (test-path ($env:TEMP + "\" + $virusDefs.Name)) {
    remove-item ($env:TEMP + "\" + $virusDefs.Name) -Force